Had a Wonderful Monday Evening!

Thank you all my Facebook fans who have joined me yesterday night at the Berea teleconference program! Wow! What a turn out! I am so proud of you!  I don’t know about you but I had a wonderful time. May all the praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like to say, “Thank You” to my wonderful brother, Daniel Aregahegn, who invited me to his program. Daniel is the host of a program called “A Special Program” which always begins on Monday at 8:30pm (ET) at the Berea teleconference.

Thank you Daniel for having me at your program! God bless you and yours! Though I can’t come to the program next Monday to continue what we’ve started, I sure will come another time.

For those of you who have missed yesterday’s program, here is the link: http://tapeacall.com/9wcnukrw3r






Supplemental Vitamins can’t Replace Real Food!

Can anybody live by a supplement? Well, sure they can but for a very short period of time. They eventually need to eat real food or else they will die. Supplements are there to “supplement” not to replace real food.

In the same way, what we get from our local churches on Sundays is a spiritual supplement (but only if it is biblically sound). If our spiritual enlightenment comes only from the Sunday service, we are endangering our spirituality.

Our real spiritual food should come from our daily personal devotion with God, as we seek Him and His ways and wills; as we read the Bible and meditate on the Word daily; and as we strive to put the Word to practice.

To live by every Word of God, we need to eat it daily (Matthew 4:4); strive to live by it daily (Matthew 7:24. And adding supplement is still necessary, which is, going to church and seeking God with others.

After all, the church is not called to influence us, us the believers; rather we the believers are called to influence the church. If we are not alive and well in Him daily, the church won’t be alive and well either BECAUSE WE ARE THE CHURCH! ///


Tomorrow Evening at the Berea Teleconference

Flyer Berea 03 09 2015

Join me tomorrow at the Berea teleconference special program at 8:30pm. It is going to be interview, not teaching.

One of the questions I may need to give an answer for is: “While you are a woman, why are you teaching in churches? Didn’t the Word of God say “Women should sit quietly” according to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 & 1Timothy 2:11-15?”

I LOVE IT VERY MUCH! So, to those of you who have already dropped me those kinds of questions, I invite you to join me. Don’t miss it!

I can’t tell you how happy I am to address those kinds of politically incorrect topics because I believe most of the time those topics we shy away from have basic and fundamental truth in them. And as you all know, truth sets us all FREE! ALWAYS!

So, don’t forget to join me tomorrow, March 09, 2015 at 8:30pm. ///

P. S. Here is the Berea Teleconference Number: 712-432-5222 and access ID: 2484446#




Spring Forward but it is Sunday!

I don’t know about you but for me, I am not in a position to lose any minute of my time! I actually want someone to add one extra hour to my life today. But, today is a daylight saving day; means we are moving our clock one hour ahead.

Are you serious? Yes, I’m serious. We are losing one hour of our time. Not fair at all!

But you know what? Even if I am complaining about losing my one hour of sleep, I am rejoicing that today is Sunday; a day I can go to church and worship God with other believers. What a joy that is!

So, if you live in America, while you are lamenting over your lost hour, let me remind you that God inhabits the praises of His people.

“But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3)

Yes, God loves to reveal Himself among His people; among His people who knows how to worship and praise Him in spirit and truth. So, don’t forget to go to your local church today!

When we worship Him with other believers, we will be engulfed by His presence and we will forget about our lost hour. I love it! I actually want to forget not only my lost hour but at His presence, I also want to forget myself! Don’t you want to get lost in His presence? I ALWAYS do!///

Fight over a Worship Song

Every Saturday morning, we have a family Bible study time which I am getting bad at attending these days because of my travel. We started this Bible study almost nine years ago. Since our kids were little, we started with kids’ coloring pages we found online – coloring Mary and Joseph and more (I don’t remember now where we found those materials but there are still many free downloadable materials online if you want to start a Bible study with your little ones). Continue reading Fight over a Worship Song

Marriage is not the Answer for Loneliness!

A lonely single person will be a lonely married person when he gets married because marriage is not a medicine for loneliness.

The one thing that takes away loneliness is being lost in the presence of God. Once we know how to do life in the presence of God, whether we are single or married, we won’t feel lonely.

God didn’t create Eve so that Adam won’t be lonely. Adam was not lonely. He was living under the full presence of God’s Spirit. That is why Adam never complained about being lonely. Eve was needed to bring the eternal purpose of God to completion since one man “alone” can’t accomplish that. Eve was not created so that Adam won’t be lonely. If that was the case, the Bible would have said it this way: It is not good for a man to be lonely. Continue reading Marriage is not the Answer for Loneliness!

Really? A 100% Prediction of Future Weather?

Wow, technology! It is even predicting our tomorrows; but with 100% certainty?

The forecast for today was snow. Well, I woke up this morning to see no snow. Everything is closed for the anticipated snow but the whole night, there was no snow. Yes, snow is falling down now but not as much as it was anticipated.

Yesterday, when I heard the 100% prediction of the snowy Thursday morning, I said to my kids, “I wish they said in 98% certainty just so they acknowledge the existence of God.” The forecast read like this: “100% chance of snow.” If it is predicted in 100% probability, it can’t be called “a chance,” I think.

And here is the biggie: I believed them! And I worried about my snowy Thursday!

Hmm, I don’t think God cares about the forecasters predicting the weather with 100% certainty and sometimes getting it right. But I believe with all my heart that God cares about my prediction of my tomorrows and worry about it.

I think God gets hurt when I predict my tomorrow in 100% certainty and worry about it, thinking that trouble will fall down on me or thinking and believing that tomorrow my enemy will gloat over me. Continue reading Really? A 100% Prediction of Future Weather?

Here is the Last Sunday Sermon at San Francisco

Oh, how I love to talk about the precious, glorious, metaphoric and spiritual meaning of sexual intimacy which is found in the marriage of one man and one woman!

Gazing at the Truth of God about the spiritual meaning of sexual intimacy, it is not hard for anyone to understand why the devil tries his best to deceive and confuse us in this particular area.

Yes, we shall know the Truth and that Truth shall set us free! (John 8:32)

Oh, may the LORD open up our eyes so that we can see the blessing God so desires to pour out in our sexual lives. ///



A thought – – – to a destiny!

Have you ever heard this saying: “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny?”

Well, I usually read or hear it in the context of sin and the consequence of sin, but I think this same trend can be used for good and righteous things. After all, we all are habitual creatures. I mean, we learn something and it will be our habit.

If I sow a thought that comes from the Word of God, I will reap the action from it. Let’s say, if I meditate on the Word of God that says, “Don’t you know that you yourself are God’s temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16), I begin to see myself as I am, the temple of the Holy God. Then as I stay with the thought and the meditation of the Word, I start to lose interest to be nothing but the Temple of the Lord. Sin loses power on me. I reap the action. Then I love staying away from that which is sinful and continue meditating on the Word of God more. Then meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my habit. As I keep on doing it, it will become my habit to the point where I do it everywhere I go; even when I eat and sleep and do anything and everything. Meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my character. Then righteousness becomes the story of my life, my destiny!

I think I love the logic here, don’t you? Let’s try it. It should work. After all the Bible says, I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11) ///