Wait Patiently!

Here is my lovely mom (left – Kessela Mengistu) and her lovely sister (in the middle – Amarech Mengistu). This picture was taken on the same day yesterday’s picture was taken. My dad was sitting next to me (on my left side, you can see his cane) but he was sitting on a different chair because the sofa we were sitting on is not comfortable for him. So, I have to take two pictures to get them all.

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With A Promise!

I traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to celebrate last Easter with my parents. I had a wonderful time with both my parents. You have no idea how much I enjoy talking to them, asking them different questions, listening to them intently. They’re amazing people. I took this picture with my dad the day after Easter in their beautiful garden. Look at my new cultural dress! I love it very much! Growing up, I used to wear a new dress every Easter.

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Non-Sexual Touches

A4P Guest: I’m married and have two little kids, four- and five-year-olds. My husband and I get along just fine. As I read through your old posts, Missy, I thought you’re the right person for me to ask my question that nags me a lot these days. So, my husband and I have good sexual relationship and I don’t complain about that but you see, my husband doesn’t express love to me outside the bedroom. He is just romantic in the bedroom, not outside the bedroom. I don’t know what or how to tell him how much I need his attention outside the bedroom. What do you advise me?

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