Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin

They “WAITED” to have sex until marriage and they wrote a book called, “WAIT.”

Well, two of my good Facebook friends have dropped me this couple’s interview in my inbox on different days and I decided to share one of their interviews with you all today. (Thank you my friends!)

Pastor Franklin, he was 22 years old when he decided to wait for marriage and he stayed away from sex for ten or eleven years. But before that, he was sexually active and he was in porn too (you can find that on the interview they gave to Fox News 5). Continue reading Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin

Can a Man Stop Looking at a woman?

A4P Guest: “Can a man be so modern, advanced, educated, sophisticated and spiritually matured that he stops looking at a woman?”

A4P: NOT A CHANCE! A MAN CANNOT STOP looking at a woman even if he wants. Asking a man never to look at a woman is like asking him NEVER to be a man. But, don’t miss this; it is right to demand from a man to make a covenant with his eyes never to lustfully look at a woman. (Job 31:1)
This is a biblically right demand because God equipped him with a brand new nature that has ability to say no to sin. (2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 2:11-12) ///

On the first date, don’t ask him this question:

“When do you plan to get married?”
Remember, most men dread the idea of commitment.
If he is older than 28 years old, believe me in this, many girls might have already asked him that same question. So, wow him by being different from most girls and ask him something like, “So, how did your day go by so far today?” and give him your listening ears. 

Wedding is not marriage

Wedding is a ceremony, and marriage is a ministry. These two are very different things. Wedding is a one-day deal and after that, it is gone, done, finished, “finito”! Whereas marriage, it is a lifetime commitment.
Here in America, “50 billion dollars a year is spent only for wedding ceremonies. One million copies of bridal magazines are sold each month” (from “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” – by Parrott and Parrott).
Regardless of people spending billions of dollars on their weddings, one out of two marriages are still ending in divorce.
Hmm! It made you think, didn’t it?

Continue reading Wedding is not marriage

“You are the air I breathe”

God is okay without us. If we all agree to deny Him, He will continue to live forever in glory because He can’t deny Himself!  He doesn’t need us for Him to live as God. He is God with or without us. He doesn’t need our agreement or “votes” for Him to be God, King of kings and Lord of lords.

But- – – when it comes to us, we can’t live without Him. Without Him, we perish.

Gospel singer, Mat Kearney, puts this reality beautifully: Continue reading “You are the air I breathe”