A Message that Warmed My Heart

I’ve been receiving different encouraging messages from many people since last Saturday. I thank God for each and every one of you who took time to drop me beautiful messages. You London Christians, I am not sure how to thank you. May the LORD bless all of you! But please remember this: there is nothing good in me but Christ. So, I give Him all the glory, worship and praise.
Well, from all the messages I’ve received so far, one message stood out to me. It is sent from one of the young adults I ministered on Sunday and Monday and I wanted to share the message with you all. So, I asked her permission. Listen how this young and beautiful girl responded back, “Yes of course you can post it if you feel it is at all beneficial.”
Don’t you love that! I do! Thank you my friend for giving me permission.
With this note, I want to share with you one better picture I posted yesterday. So, here we go:

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