“Mom, what is this sex thing?”

It was one of those normal late weekday afternoons. I was running around to bake something for snack. My daughter, who was at the time seven years old, was trying to help out her mama. She brought a step stool to stand next to me. My little one, who was five, was sitting down at the kitchen tea-table. He was a brand new kindergartner and I thought he didn’t have much to say about his new school.
Then from nowhere, he said, “Mom, what is this sex thing?”
Just imagine me. I looked as though someone splashed cold water on my face. I immediately turned around to him and opened my mouth but all those vocabularies which used to hang out in my mouth and everything I read from Dr. James Dobson’s books disappeared from my brain and heart in an instant. So, I opened my mouth and got frozen as if someone pressed a “pause button” of my life.

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