Treat Your Wife Like a Queen

I see the last A4P Tweet made some people a bit emotional and I want to say a word or two about that before others totally miss the message as well.

Here is the Tweet: “#‎Strive to treat, honor, respect and love your spouse like a king or queen so that you be ‪#‎right before ‪#‎God.”

Since “Treat your wife as a queen” is the one that makes some emotional, I will concentrate on that one but the main message is applicable to both.

When I read this tweet, which is by the way a clip from my message, it made me think this way: Wow, this tweet makes the Word of God easy for many of us to swallow it without seeking a glass of water or orange juice.

Because my friend, the Word of God calls a husband to be a servant-leader; to serve his wife as if he was her servant. The Bible calls a husband to be who Jesus was to His disciples.

Jesus, while He was Lord of lords and King of kings, He washed His disciples’ feet. And the Word of God calls you, the husband, to follow on His footsteps and serve and wash your wife’s feet.

BTW, have you ever “LITERALLY” try to wash your wife’s feet? Even if I am not a man, I witnessed the joy many husbands, including my husband, experienced after they washed their wife’s feet, not once, not twice but many times.

Treating your wife like a queen automatically positions you as a king. In your small kingdom, your household, you are the king and your wife is the queen. The king doesn’t bow, kneel down before the queen and take order.

Oh, no, he doesn’t! But he makes sure that his queen is treated in the way that brings him glory and honor (Ephesians 5:27). He doesn’t hold on to the remote control and watch TV and ask his wife if the dinner is ready.

Oh, no, he doesn’t! If he can afford, he will have a cook in the house. If he can’t afford, if he is short on the money, he will pull his sleeves up and jump into the kitchen to help his queen because the king’s glory hides in his queen’s beauty and he doesn’t destroy her beauty by making her his slave (1 Corinthians 11:7).

That is why the Bible refers her as a crown of her husband (Proverbs 12:4). A king without a crown is a prisoner of war who surrenders his kingship to someone else. But when he learns how to keep, protect and fight for his “CROWN”, he receives respect from the city men (Proverbs 31) Wow! Did you see that?

You got offended because that tweet said, treat your wife as a queen?

Oh, no, the Bible calls you to be a servant to her! I put it that way so that you won’t miss the beauty in becoming the servant-king or the servant-lord of your household.

I also read a comment such as this one: “I am not a slave to any human being, even to God.” – EVEN TO GOD?

Well, I choose not to call that “a false teaching” but a wrong understanding of the Scripture.

Listen what the Bible says: “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?”  Romans 6:16

Whoever you choose to obey, you are a slave to that you give your obedience to. Who do you obey? Who are you slave to? While I leave that question for you to think, let me go to the next point.

Treating your wife as a queen doesn’t make you any lesser than a king because women are naturally responders. With the same treatment they receive, they are good at responding and giving back in double, sometimes in triple portion.

If you treat her like trash, she will treat you like garbage. If you treat her like a servant, she will treat you like a slave. If you treat her like a queen, SHE WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A KING! If not, seek help from marriage counselors.

I also see some people didn’t see the connection between treating a spouse right with being right with God.

As married people, whenever we go to God, God always says to us something like this: “First treat your spouse as I told you to treat before you come to Me.” (Matthew 5:23-24). It is impossible to be right with God while we are mistreating our spouse. (Being right with God here is not talking about salvation – Read Matthew 5.)

Before I rest my case, let me say this:

The word “Trinity” is not biblical but we use it. Why? Because the message of trinity is everywhere starting from Genesis to Revelation. The same with the word “rapture.” So, it ALWAYS good to try to understand the spirit of the message before we label it as a false teaching or something else. After all, it is okay to say, “I don’t understand that. Can you explain?” because none of us have that all-round understanding and knowledge of the Bible. We can learn from each other. It is always good to have that humble and teachable spirit which is ALWAYS quick to ask, learn and share with others that which is true. ///