Category Archives: Sexual Purity

“Is Oral Sex Allowed?”

A4P Guest: Is oral sex allowed?

A4P: What do you mean?

A4P Guest: I thought my question was clear.

A4P: Well, your question is not clear for me. It sounds like there is a list of allowed and not allowed things in the Bible. As far as I understood the Bible, there is no list for us to follow after; we only have two commandments to live by: to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:34-40). So, if you give me some background story as to where this question came from, I may be able to address your question candidly, in light of these two commandments.

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To Save Us From Being Sexual Creatures

Whenever I find a good book to read, I forget the whole world, I mean I literally forget the rest of the world, including myself.

And Joshua Harris who is one of my favorite authors successfully makes his readers get lost in the Truth of God. As you flip the pages, you get socked, drowned and lost in awe of God and His Truth! For me personally, reading Pastor Harris’ book is like having a wonderful devotional time with my LORD and God. Breathtaking! Continue reading To Save Us From Being Sexual Creatures