The Prophet Prophesied On You

“We’re living in a day where people are listening with their eyes, thinking with their feelings.” Ravi Zacharias

Just think about it.

It seems like we easily get oriented visually, don’t we? And as Ravi said, we listen with our eyes, and our feelings are the ones to tell us what is right and what is wrong. We make our eyes the judges of all. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes and I felt it,” we assert.

This is totally bizarre especially when we compare it with how the word of God wants us to listen and think. We’re to listen with our ears, “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Matthew 11:15) We can’t see with our ears, nor can we hear with our eyes. (I’m not referring here to our spiritual eyes which can see what the physical eyes cannot see.)

We are commanded to live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). And faith is not something mystical but anchored and established on the word of God because it says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

“Just try hard to believe and it will happen” is not biblical faith but mystical.

And we are to think and meditate, in our minds, on the word of God.

We are to interpret and understand our situations and life circumstances according to the word of God, not according to our feelings and emotions. Our feelings and emotions don’t always tell the truth. They frequently lie to us. Satan actually loves to see us lead our lives by sight. He loves to see us use our feelings as our only source of information, from which we get our “truth.” Why? He is a deceiver, he is a liar and he knows that our feelings and emotions deceive us.

A girl who sleeps with her boyfriend, her feeling says to her, “It must be God who helps you find this man. Remember, the other day the prophet prophesied on you saying, “God says this to you: Whatever is in your mind and heart now is from Me.” And when he said that, you were thinking about your boyfriend. So, it must be the will of God even if things didn’t turn out to be the way they should. It’s okay. God will make the way because God is love. For now enjoy the sex and you will worry about the rest later.”

Yeah, this is the tragedy of our times.

We’re conditioned to “feel” the will of God, not to know it from the word of God, believe what the word says and live by it. ///