Had a Wonderful time with the Ladies Yesterday


You have no idea how much I enjoyed the time I had with the young girls yesterday here in Melbourne.
All the beautiful girls you see on the picture, except me and the girl at the right hand corner, are singles, age 18 to 27.
My first opening statement was this: “We girls are made up of sweet, spice and everything nice.”

Aren’t we? Yes, we are! God made us saying, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18) Yeah! We are not only beautiful but also “suitable!”
Except me and the girl you see at the right hand corner, all the girls you see on the picture are singles. Oops! I’ve already said that few lines up. What’s wrong with me? Well, nothing is wrong with me. I’m just suggesting to some single Christian men to come and visit Melbourne. That is all!
Anyways, it feels so good for me to sit and say to young girls: “You are more beautiful than you know and think; you are God’s masterpiece. There is no copy of you. You are only one. God made you fearfully and wonderfully for an eternal purpose. Getting married is not all there is for the eternal purpose but being found in Christ and doing life in a way that glorifies Christ. You are the most needed and required “ingredient” to make ONE man’s life meaningful as the Word of God says, “For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.” (1 Corinthians 11:8-9) So, relax and enjoy your single life with Christ while that man, whom God created you to, looks and finds you. Do not look for him; let him look for you and find you. Until then, fight for your sexuality by saving yourself to your future husband.” ///