It Cannot Give You What It Does Not Have

Porn cannot give you anything because it has NOTHING to give.
Rather, porn takes from you every precious and God-given treasure you have. It takes them one by one until you have NOTHING left.
“What kind of treasure?”
Prayer, thirst and hunger for the things of God, self-control, confidence to speak about God, peace, joy, rest, good and restful sleep, love, patience, ability to focus, think and reason, on and on and on, including your precious God-given sexual desire.
Somebody may ask: “What? Sexual desire? I go to porn because of my sexual desire. It doesn’t take my desires away; it fixes it, does it not?”
Well, from the outside, it looks like you go to porn because of your sexual desire but the truth is, you go to porn because of your wounded soul; a soul that cries out for authentic and genuine intimacy with its Creator as well as human beings.

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