Whoever Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High – Part I

Sitting in the dark room, in the middle of the night, he began sweating as if he ran five miles. The question which kept on coming in his mind was, “How did I end up here?”

He grew up in the church. He knows more Bible verses than most of his friends. Growing up, he was considered as one of the spiritual young men who could take a place of pastoral position or something. Even as a young lad, some people used to come and ask him to pray for them.

As his mother only son, his mother raised him as if he was the last man from human race. She didn’t let him go through circumcision until he turned thirteen. His father and uncle pressured his mother and she agreed to let him get circumcised at the age of thirteen. Continue reading Whoever Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High – Part I

Safety? Hmm!

It is becoming the norm these days to notice new security cameras being emplaced in most shopping centers and even around small neighborhoods. Even yesterday, while I was driving around in my neighborhood, I noticed more than five new security cameras and I read a sign next to one of them that says something like, “security camera for your safety.”

Safety? Hmm! Continue reading Safety? Hmm!

Last Reply to the Issue Regarding “Physical Abuse”

The toughest and busiest day just passed! It was tough and busy day because I was trying to do five things at the same time. Anyways, I survived it! Praise the LORD!

So, when I found a minute to sit, I read some of the comments which were dropped off on the post titled “Pleading for Physical Abuse to Continue.”

Reading the comments, I said, “Huh?” once or twice. And I sat down to write this as “my last threading point”.

I said “last” because we have a lot of issues to bring up on this page. We can’t afford to be stuck on one topic. Let’s agree to disagree and move on to the next point as adults.

Continue reading Last Reply to the Issue Regarding “Physical Abuse”