Category Archives: Sexual Purity


“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” James 1:27



It means their religion or the relationship they claim they have with Jesus has no value or use; or their religion “deserves contempt.” ///

What He Opens No One Can Shut

You have no idea how many messages I receive literally every day from young people who are sharing with me how God is pressing upon their heart to go into a ministry. So, I want to prepare this message to advise and encourage those young people and also to encourage you, a Christian.

Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

We all who profess to follow Christ are Jesus’ sheep and Jesus is our Shepherd. And our Shepherd said, we listen to His voice and follow Him.

But it is getting harder and harder every day to listen to our Shepherd’s voice. We sometimes get confused. Some people come and prophesy on us in the name of Jesus, telling us to serve God in ways that we are not gifted and called.

But if we stay focused on our Shepherd as we cling to His words and promises, we will be able to clearly hear His voice and follow His lead. We don’t end up going astray or panic when people close doors on us. We calmly wait for our Shepherd to open another door, a door that no one can shut.

So, I want to encourage all of you to first find your call and once you identify your call, strive to grow in it.

I will try my best to have this video captioned in English for those of you who can’t understand Amharic.

If you haven’t “SUBSCRIBED” to the Appeal for Purity YouTube channel, I encourage you to press that red “Subscribe” button you see under this video. And please invite your friends and families to subscribe to our channel too.

May God bless you all! ///

Characters of a Godly Christian Man

A4P Guest: “Missy, if you were single today, what would be the first three main characters you would be looking in a man?”
A4P: Wow! I love this question! Do you know why?
Well, I think I already told you this but one of the things I was looking for in a man when I was single, young and “st- -d” was “six-pack abs”, LOL! I know that is messed up!

Continue reading Characters of a Godly Christian Man

Who Needs Help Here Is You

A4P Guest: I’m a 22 year old woman and the man I’m seeing is a 27-year old man. We met in our church’s yearly young adults’ retreat program and it’s been a year now since we’ve been dating officially. I love him very much but he flirts with every girl in our church. I told him to stop once and I let it go and chose to pray. He cheated on me once and I forgave him. A couple weeks ago, I found something on his phone and I asked him about it. He confessed that he had cheated on me again. Continue reading Who Needs Help Here Is You

My Last 2017 Travel

God willing, my last travel before 2017 ends will be to North Carolina.

So, if you live in or near Raleigh, North Carolina, join me and others for a special program at the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church from Dec 8 to 10.

For more info, call the number you see on the flyer.

Have a blessed Tuesday! ///