A Wife Prays

Thank You, LORD, for giving me another day to come to You in prayer. May Your Name be blessed forever!
I have received many good and perfect gifts from You, LORD. LORD Jesus, You died for me; so I might live for You. You became sin for me so I might be God’s righteousness. Thank You, LORD Jesus!
I also thank You for giving me a husband, with whom I am becoming one. I don’t deserve to have him as a husband but You gave him to me anyways. So, thank You.

Father, You are the One who made my husband and You gave him me as a wife so I will be his “suitable helper” but sometimes I don’t know how I can be of any help for him, let alone be a “suitable helper.” I sometimes find myself been taken by my own emotional ups and downs. The pressure of life sometimes tends to draw me away from my godly role of being a suitable helper to my husband and throws me into a rebelliousness.
O God, please, forgive me. Forgive me for not finding me at the place You expected me to be. Please, help me be a kind of a suitable helper my husband needs. Help me find those areas of his life which I need to help me with. Save me from my own understanding of him. Reveal to me every day my wife role so I might glorify Your Name in my own marriage and home.
LORD Jesus, I sometimes struggle to love myself and I always wonder, if it is hard for me to love me every day, how it can be hard for my husband to love me and lay his life down for me, not once, not twice but EVERY DAY. 
Your call for him is to love me as You loved the church and died for her. Oh, LORD, please help my husband to love me so we may not fall short of Your blessings and grace. Please LORD, give me beauty which radiates before my husband. Please make my body brand new before him so he’ll only be sexually drawn towards me. Let Your blessings be on him. Give him glory and honor before You, me, our kids and others. Give him success in everything he does. Help him find himself in You. Protect him from the arrows of the evil one.
Abba Father, You know very well how his sexuality is his weakest nature and the devil always tries to bring him down in that weak area of his life. He works day and night. He put his traps at every corner. Oh, Father, please help my husband bounce his eyes back to himself from another woman.
Oh, LORD, I pray for him. I stand at his weakest side and cover him in the blood of Jesus. Please save him from the fiery arrows of the devil. Help him find his way far from “the adulterers woman.”
May all his enemies be put under his feet. Let them not come near him.
Above all, LORD, give my husband wisdom and knowledge for him to know how to live with me. Please give him patience to teach me and our kids Your ways. Give him glory and honor before us so we listen to him and follow him when he leads us.
Abba, help me to submit to my husband. Help me respect him in the way he needs to be respected and feared by me so the blessing which comes from submission will be passed on to our kids and “yet-to-come” grand-kids and the rest.
Thank You, LORD, for listening to all my prayers and answering them all. Thank You, LORD for making me a wife of a man I love and adore.
I pray all this in the Name of Jesus, Amen. ///