“I am babysitting my kids”

Have you ever heard a father saying, “I can’t come today because my wife is not home and I have to babysit the kids?”
What do you say to that?

Do you just say, “Oh, okay. We will see you some other time then?”
Not me! Are you kidding me! I waste no opportunity, my dearest.
“What? You’re babysitting who,” is always my response and I wait for an answer.
Guess what I usually get as an answer?
Just a chuckle!
Why do fathers say that? How come they don’t know that they are “raising” their kids, not babysitting?
I am not really sure.
You may probably say, “They know that they are raising their kids. But this is just the way ‘everybody’ is saying these days.”
So, are we, Christians, called to conform to everybody? ///