“Mom, Do You Know – – -“

Last Thursday, my little one, Biruk Banko (14 years old) asked, “Mom, let’s watch the Cosby Show before they come.”

Who are “they?”

His older siblings.

I always pick Biruk up from school and come home before my older kids, Lydia – 16 – and Abel – 18 – get home. Biruk knows that this is the only time he and I can be alone and do something together without being interrupted or bothered by his siblings.

I personally will do anything to be alone with my son; not only with him but each one of my kids. I love spending time with each one of them, separately.

So, I jumped out of my chair and joined him. The funny and crazy things Cosby does in the Cosby Show are very similar to the things his dad usually does. So he enjoys watching this show. “Mom, did you see his moves? They’re just like dad’s!” This is the most common comment he makes whenever we watch the Cosby Show.

But last Thursday, in the middle of the show he said: “Mom, do you know that I dream about getting married?”

I said, “Really? I would love to hear some of your dreams. May I?”

Smiling, he said, “You know, I want to marry a girl and have kids; and I dream of coming home from work and opening the door and jokingly saying to my kids, “Guys, did any one of you abuse my wife?”

I laughed really hard because I always hear that statement in my home. Before I finished laughing, he said, “Do you know why? I always hear my dad saying that to us when he comes from work, and I love hearing that; it tells me that he loves my mom and me. And I can’t wait to say that to my kids, Mom!”

Yeah, kids watch. And when they copy, they are very good “copy cats!” They don’t even miss “the smallest dot,” if you know what I mean.

So, strive to express care and love to those who matter the most to you openly and honestly, and watch how that love changes the hearts of everyone around you. Love is the only language we all are capable of speaking – but only if we want and choose to.

Choose love today!

In the meantime, I want to invite all you married couples to come to Appeal for Purity’s very first seminar here in the DC area, at the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel. Read all about it in the following link and make sure you register. There is no registration at the door. So, make sure you reserve your seat before Feb 18:
