Porn Addiction

Some people think that they are porn addicts because they have abnormally high sexual desires. However porn addiction has nothing to do with sexual desire but it has everything to do with a lonely and sick soul; a soul which doesn’t know how to be loved and cared for; a soul which is hurt and damaged in the past while looking for love and deep intimacy.

Porn addicts don’t know anything about the sexual pleasure the Bible is talking about. Why? Because porn gives nothing to anyone since it doesn’t have anything to give. It only takes from its users everything they have and make them naked and wretched; useful for nothing! It takes away their honorable human nature and turns them into animals (Proverbs 7:21-23).

Stay away from porn! If you are already in it, seek help from your local church ministers!

Many research results have shown that more than 50% of men and more than 38% of women who go to church regularly are in porn addiction. It is not a secret anymore. Don’t make it a secret in your life! Come out of the dark and let the light win!

Remember, never in the history of human life, darkness wins over light. But for the light to win in the dark side of our life, we need to bring out the dark side of our life to the light. How? By seeking help from others who know us well!

I sought help from others and I spared my life! ///