To Clarify Few Things

I made this video because of the June 5th post titled, “To All Ethiopians.”

I want to clarify few things:

  1. Homosexuality is not the only sexual sin that the word of God recognizes, but adultery, fornication, incest and all. There is no difference between sexual sins. There is no one sexual sin that is worse than the other sexual sins.
  2. As followers of Jesus Christ, we always need to mind our business as the word of God tells us to do in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, that means, we need to leave others alone to their own business. However, at the national level, we Christians need to get involved and make our voices heard (e.g. in case of the TOTO travel agency planning to take a group of homosexuals to Ethiopia)
  3. When we approach people who don’t know Christ, we don’t approach them by pointing out their sinful lifestyle or a lifestyle that is different from us; rather, we tell them about the Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of the whole world.
  4. We, who profess to know Christ, have to be always ready to help anyone who is caught in a sinful lifestyle they don’t want to live in. We shouldn’t diagnose everybody as “demon possessed people” just because they struggle in a way we are not struggling.
  5. We who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ have to preach Christ by the way we do life so our light will show in this dark world. We cannot preach Christ by hating people who do life differently from us, whether their lives are sinful or not. We are not called to hate people, but to love and share the love of Christ with them. ///