Tag Archives: Family

Sunday, August 17, Sermon (in Amharic)

Okay, for those of you who missed my message I presented to the IEEC at DC on Sunday, Aug 17, here is the YouTube link. A brother of mine inbox me yesterday (thank you my dear!). And, I want to share it with you all.

I watched this three times and I learned something about myself, all over again, lol. I am not a linguistic person. Period! It doesn’t matter whether I speak in Amharic or English. My grammar and sentence structure are out of the window. No good vocabulary! Frustrating!

The thing is, I believe God put His message in my heart and I want to communicate that message with the whole world. So, whether I am a linguistic person or not; whether I mess up grammars and sentences in a weird way or not, I won’t stop speaking and writing the message. Don’t you think that is a good decision? May the LORD help me to keep it!

And praise be to the LORD because I heard from many people last Sunday that they got the message. So, I rejoice with that.

The one common comment which keeps coming is this: "Please speak pure Amharic!" I got that and to tell you the truth, I am trying my best. I only flip over to the English language when I get nervous. And remember, the topic I’m trying to address is a very tough one to find a right Amharic word for. In the future, I will correct many things.

But, for now, please, when you notice a mistake or two, just forgive me and pass on to the next one and try to get the message. I love to hear from you though. There is only one mistake I find it hard to forgive myself for, i.e. I said, "I also teach parents how to train their kids in the area of sexual purity and sexual immorality."

For crying out loud, how can one train a child in the area of sexual immorality???? I know I was thinking of saying "teaching kids what sexual purity and immorality is all about" but I didn’t say it that way. I wish I had full authority on this video so that I could have edited it. Anyways, here is the "unedited version" on YouTube.

They cut out the first part where my husband was officially "releasing" me to the Work of God. I have the unedited DVD. So, I will clip that out and post it in the future. That clip has "unparalleled" and timeless message to this generation and the generation to come.

BTW, they wrote my name as Dr. Meskerem Kifetew but my correct name is: Dr. Meskerem Tadesse Kifetew.

So, here we go:



Pouting, they ask, “What do you mean kissing is a sin?”

I have received some messages in my inbox yesterday referring to my post titled “Issue of kissing, AGAIN!”

Some of the messages sound like this:

“I hate what you’re writing. I love and enjoy kissing my girlfriend. Now, you spoiled it for me.”

Some of them sound like, “What? What are you talking about? Kissing is a sin? What is next? Where is my freedom in Jesus? Are you making up stories and making us all feel bad for enjoying our boyfriends’ lips?”

I know, it is sometimes annoying to hear messages like that, isn’t it? Trust me, I was there once and it can be upsetting but it is upsetting only when we don’t know the plan and purpose of God behind all those “Don’ts.”

Remember, all those things God said “don’t,” are there for our own goodness. God wants to make our marital kissing and sex to be lasting, fulfilling and pleasurable ones as He planned and purposed it. Do you know that most married couples don’t kiss? Yes, they don’t and do you wonder why? I will come back to that some other time. For now, let me stay on the issue at hand.

So, kissing gives gratification closer to sex since it touches our brain part called “a reward center.” My Dear, anything which touches that part of our brain wants to linger around and we, rightly so, want it to linger around. Duh! It is our gratification center. And kissing touches that part of the brain and we won’t let it go without furious fight. When we are told that kissing before marriage can severe our relationship with Christ, we start to quote Bible verses to try to justify our action, even if we deep down know that we are wrong. That action is called “addiction,” fighting to keep the action regardless of its destructive consequence to our life.

So, for those of you who are still struggling to swallow the truth about kissing before marriage, let me take another side to explain it.

CAUTION: Make sure you keep anybody who is younger than 13 years old away from this.

So, when the lips of one man and one woman meet, they trigger the sex engine of their body. How?

Well, there are nerves on the top of their lips. These nerves are similar to the nerves which are found on their private parts. Their job is: At the moment of contact with other lips (or private parts – in the case of sex), they send a message to the brain saying, “Sex is on the way; so send all the sexual hormones to the whole body so that the body gets ready to receive sex.”

Those hormones shut off (or make it cloudy) all the logical and reasoning part of the brain (it is by perfect design of God – this step of sex in the marriage works beautifully, but outside marriage, this step by itself destroys one’s life). Those hormones lubricate their private parts to receive the upcoming sexual act. Those hormones also increase the heartbeat of the couple and increase their blood pressure which is very important step for the engorgement of their private parts for the anticipated sex.

As they exchange saliva through kissing, sexual hormones get secreted in the body and work aggressively for the body to get a relief from the heightened sexual desire through orgasmic release.


Worldly people go on with the step and finish it with THE actual sexual act BUT born again Christians who choose to take all the steps up to this point, BUT SAY “SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS SIN,” go to their separate ways without finishing their steamy moment with the very last step which is sex. (Little did they know that they already stumbled and fell from their sexual purity.)

Well, after those unmarried couple kissed, their body doesn’t let go. It demands sex because of the notorious sexual hormones which are already been secreted in their body. Depending on their exposure to sexual scenes and how much they are given over or yield to sexual temptations, some men will have orgasm during kissing. But some men masturbate before or after the date. Most women get relief through “steamy dream” or will have an orgasmic like experience during kissing or they too turn to masturbation. (Reason? Kissing!)

Does anyone out there want me to go on explaining how kissing is considered as a sin because it is “an appetizer for sex” (foreplay) or as I usually like to name it as a “mini-sex?”

Remember, God is not against our sexual gratification! GOD IS FOR GOOD SEX! But God never rejoices when He sees His children do things which hurt them. Sex and/or mini-sex outside marriage hurts us REAL BAD because it is not designed to be practiced outside marriage. Don’t see marriage as an issue of a legal paper (or a political agenda). My Dear, marriage is a spiritual institution set by God. No vows made before man and God, no marriage. No marriage, no God’s blessing in the sex and mini-sex. No God’s blessing, it is hell on earth!

If you still struggle to accept the truth about kissing before marriage, my advice for you is this: Love Christ! Strive to know and love Him! Baptize in His Word and Spirit! Spend time in prayer and read and meditate the Word. Soak yourself in Him! Don’t concentrate on do’s and don’ts but concentrate on knowing Him. Then as the Bible says,

"As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.” 1 John 2:27a

This doesn’t mean that you don’t need to read books or go to church to learn about God and His Word but what it means is when one teaches you according to the Word and Spirit of God, you don’t need any explanation. You take it as it is because the anointing is on you!

Sometimes from the questions I’ve received, I sometimes wonder if the person who wrote those questions is familiar with the Word of God or not.

Please, Beloved, especially before we quote a Bible verse; we need to make sure that we know what it says. We need to read that same verse in different Bible translations; and cross reference it so that we can understand it thoroughly, then let’s quote it in our writings so that we make a strong point.

Yes, kissing before marriage is considered as sexual immorality. What the world says, what other giant Christian leaders say about this issue won’t change this truth. What matters the most for me personally is the unchanging Truth of God which looks me squarely in the eyes. The rest, including my thinking and reasoning which doesn’t agree with the Truth of God, I consider them all as FOOLISHNESS AND RUBBISH BECAUSE THEY ARE! ///

Issue of kissing, AGAIN!

"If I kiss my girlfriend, is that considered as a sin?"

Assuming that our common point of reference is the Bible, let’s see what the Bible says:

"- – -anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28 (notice the last word, "his heart" – Key word)

When a man looks at a woman he is not married to, he thinks about taking her clothes off and imagining her naked body and – – – (that is a short overview of lust in man’s brain, let me save you from the detail).

When a man lets his eyes wonder off and his heart and mind follow, the man is considered "adulterer" according to the Bible because the damage of sin has already been done to the soul (heart) of that person. Sin of adultery has already been committed at a spiritual realm, a realm you and I are called to know and worship God (John 4:24). (BTW, this is the main difference between the Old and the New Testament Law!)

Remember, the man didn’t even touch the woman when he is held responsible for a sin of adultery.

If seeing a woman lustfully is considered as “adultery” (dangerous sin which has a potential to wreck one’s future), how do you think exchanging saliva with a woman a man is not married to through kissing is considered as? As “holiness" or as “a different face of adultery?" I leave that question for you.

Remember, the issue here is not the actual pre-marital sex but the condition of the heart and mind of a person because one’s body is like a “robot.” It does what the heart and mind of the person instruct it to do so.

What does a man think when he kisses a girl he is not married to? How wonderful Matthew 5:27-28 verses are??? Or something else?

I leave that question for you too.

BTW, when a man kisses his woman, a woman he is married to, what goes on in his mind is not Matthew 5:27-28 but images of his wife’s naked body and how exciting the sex is going to be (and more, again I save you from the detail). And, that kind of thinking and imagining, my dear, is like a holy worship. Do you know why? Because it is the will and word of God for the man to be consummated in sexual intimacy with one woman he is married to. When the two become one, their sexual intimacy gets decorated by God’s presence. God’s presence in turn makes their sexual union pure and honorable (Hebrews 13:4) and fulfilling and pleasurable more than you can ever think or imagine (Song of Solomon 3).

This being so, don’t you think “Is kissing a sin” kind of question is nothing but baloney? ///

Closing Past Ex-Relationship Files

It is a process for a wife and a husband to become one. In the NASB version of the Bible, it says this way: “- – – a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”

“- – – they shall become one flesh,” is a process, not a one night honeymoon “fiesta”. The man and the woman have to leave their past (even their own father and mother) for them to cleave and be joined to be one (not to be “like one” but to be “one”). The man and the woman have to leave their past behind and give themselves to the marriage oneness process to take place smoothly. It is not only they leave their family but they have to leave their past relationships as well. Continue reading Closing Past Ex-Relationship Files

Yoked Together

“Don’t be yoked together with unbelievers” is not a denomination “motto” but a spiritual command which speaks life to our hearts. (2 Corinthians 6:14)

For example, if a woman decides to marry an unbeliever, she can’t enjoy all levels of oneness with her husband; the oneness God has for her, spiritual and physical oneness and oneness of the two souls. Continue reading Yoked Together

Believe in You as my enemy believes in You

I love to ask God to speak to me; but I usually find “listening to God” the hardest thing for me to do for the obvious reason. I won’t be done telling Him what I want to tell Him that quickly and easily. So, after I say, “LORD, please speak to my heart,” within a minute, I begin another brand new prayer that I forgot to pray.

But sometimes when I feel like the bottom is falling out, I run out of words and I just sit before God and wait for Him to speak to me. I always write if I feel like God is speaking to me. I write everything my heart brings to my attention as a message from God; I write because I want to filter out the message through the Word of God. Sometimes my heart itself creates its own dream as a message from God; or my fear itself speaks to me and I deny them all to pass through my heart because the Word of God clearly says, “They are not from Me.” Continue reading Believe in You as my enemy believes in You

“Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”

As I told you last time, I was in one of the New Jersey Hotels over the weekend.

Well, I had a choice to go to the New Jersey 6th flags which has the tallest roller coaster in the world but why do I want to experience death? No reason! So, I chose to stay in the hotel.

My daughter after the ride, she expressed her experience this way, laughingly, “Mom, I saw heaven.” Continue reading “Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”

Question of Identity

A4P Guest: “What do you think of homosexuality?”

A4P: Direct answer for your question is – I don’t think anything about homosexuality. I’m not sure what you’re trying to ask me and I don’t want to assume anything. If you have a specific question, state it clearly; for example: “Can I be a homosexual and be a born again Christian?” Or “I have strong same sex attraction and what do I need to do about it?” or something like that. Continue reading Question of Identity

A Search for Love and Intimacy

If you ask me the two things a human soul is hungry and thirsty of, I will say: love and intimacy.

And those two basic and important needs of every human soul, love and intimacy can only be found from God and others.

When we drift away from God and others, we will be left to ourselves to look for love and intimacy. And that is an illusion the devil always wants us to believe, that we can find love and intimacy without God and others. Continue reading A Search for Love and Intimacy