A Wife Looking for a Wife???

“I am a wife looking for a wife.”

Do you think this is a statement from a lesbian woman?


Listen to this beautiful piece, read by a beautiful woman. The piece’s taken from one of Deacon Daniel Kiberet’s books.

It is a very funny piece!

No! Let me take that back.

It is a humorous but an educational piece, an enlightening analysis about the value of an Ethiopian wife from a wife’s perspective, written by a married Ethiopian man!

I mean, think about that!

Too deep, don’t you think so? I think so.

And I recommend this video to all Ethiopian husbands and to all Ethiopian wives who struggle to see any value in themselves, especially to wives who live in Ethiopia???.

I said “in Ethiopia” because even if I am from Ethiopia but live in the West, I have to be honest, I do not do all the things this wife in the story is doing to her home, kids and husband. Why? I don’t know it and I am glad I don’t! My mom might have lived this kind of life but not me. Thank God!

But some wives who are from Ethiopia but live in the West like me still live as if they were living in Ethiopia.



Culture, or maybe they don’t know any better or as one woman said to me, “I enjoy to be a kind of wife I saw my mom to be to my dad.” ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

And if they like it, who am I to say anything against it! ? ///