“Do I Have to Love My Wife?”

A4P Guest: Do I have to love my wife?

A4P: Uh-oh! Is that a question or a test if I reply back to you or not?

A4P Guest: A question.

A4P: Hmm! So let me see. May I ask you that same question? Do you have to love your wife?

A4P Guest: No, I don’t have to.

A4P: That was easy, was it not? So you have the answer.

A4P Guest: But here is the thing. I couldn’t find peace with my answer.

A4P: Why not?

A4P Guest: Because I am a Christian.

A4P: What does that mean?

A4P Guest: You know a Christian?

A4P: No, I don’t. You tell me.

A4P Guest: I am a church goer kind of man.

A4P: Hmm. Now I know your definition of a Christian.

A4P Guest: What do you mean “your definition?”

A4P: The definition of a Christian is not that. So I chose to say, your definition. The word “Christian” means “follower of Christ. So a Christian is a person who strives to live as Jesus lived while He was on earth.

A4P Guest: I am not that deep into it.

A4P: Into what?

A4P Guest: Christianity.

A4P: My friend, there is no such kind of thing. Do you say, “my wife is pregnant but not deeply?”

A4P Guest: What do you mean?

A4P: You say, “My wife is pregnant,” or you say, “My wife is not pregnant.” There is no “middle state” where you say, “my wife is pregnant but not deeply.” In the same way, you are a Christian or you are not a Christian.

A4P Guest: Well, the pastor prayed for me when my wife brought me to church a couple years ago. And from that day on, I try to go to church every Sunday.

A4P: I am glad the pastor prayed for you and I am glad that you are going to church. But it would be even better if you go and ask the pastor to teach you about Jesus Christ and His word.

A4P Guest: I gave me a 45-minute long about Christianity.

A4P: Then I think the best question to ask at this time is not “Do I need to love my wife,” but “How can I know and love God,” because unless you know God and learn to love Him, you cannot know and understand how to love yourself in a healthy way let alone loving your wife.
The Bible says, “God is love.” God is the Author of love. Once you know the God of the Bible, you will realize that it is funny to ask whether to love your wife or not.

By the way, how long you and your wife have been married?

A4P Guest: We are not really married. We just live together. And we have one little boy.

A4P: Please, for the sake of your son, go to the nearest “Bible believing and Bible preaching” church and ask the leaders there to help you with your questions. I don’t know if you are going to a church where the leaders take a good care of their members.

A4P Guest: All they care is whether we give money to the church or not. And she doesn’t listen to me when it comes to giving money to church.

A4P: Again, please for the sake of your son, find another church where you, your girl friend and son will be spiritually nurtured and ministered. ///