Please Take Part In This!

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What a beautiful opportunity for all of us to make a difference in the life of one child!

Yes, many little children are now left by themselves because of poverty and the recent war that is going on in Ethiopia.

As part of this Great Ethiopian Homecoming, let’s do what we can to help these orphan kids. Some of the kids became parents themselves at the age of 8 to take care of their 1 or 2 year old siblings because their parents were killed.

Let’s do what we can. Let’s take part in helping little kids who are left by themselves. I know, we all are already taking part in multiple ways to help our people, Ethiopians, rebuild their homes, buildings, towns, schools, hospitals, cities and many public places that are destroyed. With the help of God, we together build our country, Ethiopia, in a new and improved way. Let’s continue putting our hands together in this.

And one more thing: Please take one or two luggage of supplies.

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27 NASB

Many blessings to all of you! ///