Boyfriend Bears!


Look at the beautiful group of people I met at the convention!
The woman on my left side is the mother of the pretty girl you see on my right side and this pretty girl, Madison Wiese, is the founder of “Boyfriend Bears.”
Their message is simple: Purity is a battle!

Yesterday, the moment Berhan (my hubby) and I stepped into the convention, Nancie (Mrs. Carmichael – a wife of the Deep River Books publisher CEO) came and said, “Missy, you need to meet this group of people. You and they both have similar message and you need to network with them.”
So, we went to their booth with Nancie and we literally couldn’t leave their booth. Mr. Wiese (Clark) and Mrs. Wiese (Alisha) are strong supporters of their courageous daughter who fights not only for her purity but also for other young girls’ purity with her simple Gospel oriented message.
I was very excited to meet the whole group. So, yesterday I came to the hotel at the end of the day and went through their website, Facebook and YouTube channel and I loved what they do. Their Facebook page is called “Boyfriend Bears” and their YouTube channel is under the same name and their website is:
Their message is excellent for six and seven grade girls and if you have a young girl(s) in middle school, and want to raise her in sexual purity, well, follow these wonderful people. “Like” their Facebook page and “Subscribe” to their YouTube channel. They have wonderful messages there. I couldn’t stop watching their videos. I love their down-to-earth approach to this sensitive topic. ///