If a fire starts in your basement, do you run for your life or do you chill around?
No brainer right!
You sure run for your life.
Let’s say, you couldn’t run away and you called 911. From the following two possible questions, which one do you think are you most likely going to ask the 911 operator who is going to answer your call:
“What should I do to get closer to the fire?” Or,
“What should I do to stay away from the fire?”
Again, no brainer!
You want to know how far you need to stay away from the fire because you know for sure that getting closer to the fire may cost you your life and you don’t play around with your life!
Very logical for all of us to do the same thing, right?
In the same way, we know for sure sex outside marriage is like a wildfire which has power to taint and “tar” our beautiful lives with sorrow, grief, despair, pain, hurt, shame and despair. And we also know that kissing is nothing but a quick road to sex. If so, why do we ask, “Is kissing a sin before marriage” kind of question?
I think; there is only one possible answer for that:
We don’t know; or even worse, we simply don’t believe what the Bible says about sex outside marriage and the consequences of it (Matthew 5:27-28; 1 Corinthians 6, 7; 1 Thessalonians 4; 2 Peter 2; Proverbs 5, 6, 7 & 9 and more).
If we believe what the word of God says, our question would have been something like:
“What are the ways to stay away from sex and anything that may lead me to sex?”
After all, we lead our life by what we believe, not by what we know. That means, we live by our convictions, not the information we know or have.
That is why the Bible says,
“Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23 NASB
“Watch over your heart” is pretty much saying, watch over your convictions. ///