Oh, I have to share with you all this picture. I love it!
You know what came to my mind when I looked at this picture this morning?
Well, I looked at the cat as if “she” was me; and the dog, as my hubby, lol.
I know, sometimes I get on my hubby’s nerve and I feel so scared how to tell him what I did. For example, last time he told me to finish up some very important paper work and I said, “Yes, sir, I will finish it today,” and the next time I remembered was when he asked me that evening.
I was looking at him like the cat on the picture. I was at fault and I had no excuse. I quietly, with a very low voice, said to him, “I completely forgot.”
And he quietly said, “Oh, you did?”
I nodded, studying his face, to see if there was any change in his face composure. I know he is a very kind man but hey, I fear him when I fail to do my part.
He said, “So, I have to do it then.”
I said, “No way! I will do it tomorrow and you can take my word.”
Precious, the following day, if you have asked me my name, I would have told you the name of that task as my name. I did it first thing in the morning and made my husband smile, lol.
I hope you enjoy this picture. Make sure you read and meditate on Ephesians 4:30-35 which is the Word which came with the picture. ///