Porn addiction is on the rise!
Are you surprised?
I am not because it seems like many people are becoming prone to believe in lies and false promises. And porn is full of lies and false promises that deceive even those who claim to know Christ.
So, people who are on the verge of quitting porn addiction are now diving right into it because of frustration with the lockdown, loss of hope, boredom and loss of job which is ranked as number one cause for depression and anxiety.
But for us born-again Christians, every season of life should be the same, don’t you think so? I think so.
In all the ups and downs of life, we know that we are always in a war. The best way to equip ourselves mentally and spiritually to wage this war is by filling our hearts and minds with the truth of God so that lies and false promises of porn or other destructive habits won’t have a place in our lives.
Jesus said,
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
It is the truth that we “KNOW;” the truth that becomes part of who we are, is the one that sets us free from becoming slaves to sinful acts .
Reading theological books and watching spiritual sermons by respected preachers such as John Piper, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon (one of the 18th centuries respected preachers, whose sermons are found on “Christian Sermons and Audio Books” YouTube channel) and many more reformed theologians are what help us to find God’s truths; the truths that set us free.
If we really think about it, especially for us Christians, this lockdown is a good time to read and do our studies so we get our theologies/doctrines right.
For example, the biblical truths of suffering and death, that most of us have come to know and embrace, are so unbiblical and depressing that they are not helping us at all during this time. They only focus on few verses and not on the whole counsel of the Word of God.
And books such as “Surprised by Suffering” will help us get to the truth about suffering and death according to the whole counsel of the Word of God.
Please let’s make ourselves busy by reading good books and listening to good sermons!///