If he said he loves you but openly said that he doesn’t love your Christ, run away from him. For you, loving Christ is not a matter of religion but a matter of life. So, continue choosing life as you let the guy go. Down the road, you will be grateful you did as you enjoy life with the man who chooses life as you do. ///
Why are You Taking Life too Seriously?
There is nothing wrong with loving life; especially a person who loves and follows Christ has no choice but to enjoy life to the fullest.
Our youngest son the other day said; “Mom, whenever I laugh, I feel like Christ who is in me laughs with me too.” Hmm, makes you think, doesn’t it? Continue reading Why are You Taking Life too Seriously?
Simple gesture of love goes a long way!
Let’s not hold back a simple gesture of love from those who are living with us closely, such as our spouses and kids. Most of us are good at surprising others with a simple or spontaneous gesture of love but we find it hard to do it to the people who matter most in our lives. Continue reading Simple gesture of love goes a long way!
True Love also Says “Goodbye”
I love the way Jesus was calling people to follow Him.
He calls them; they will come and follow Him. If they choose not to follow Him, He lets them go because True Love and force or manipulation doesn’t go together.
One day, when Jesus told to all His followers the Truth as it was, He lost most of them (John 6). They just turned around 180 degrees and said “adios” and left. Continue reading True Love also Says “Goodbye”
Is masturbation a sin?
First, let me define the word masturbation. From all the “colorful” dictionary definitions given to the word masturbation, I chose one word, i.e. self-gratification, which helps me make my point easy and clear.
In most study results, from Christian and secular research works, it’s known that closer to 95 to 97% of young boys go through a stage where they touch and explore their private part and in the process find a good sensation.
This experience, which is one of the developmental stages called “puberty”, may occur between 9 and 12 years of age. I don’t think that this innocent act of exploring and finding good sensation deserves a punishment. Locking a nine year old boy in his bedroom for the whole day because he was found exploring and playing with his body won’t result in anything except putting the boy in a dangerous emotional distress that may encourage (or even force) him to explore more to find what his parents are afraid of. Continue reading Is masturbation a sin?