On the Top of the Mountain

If we avoid to be spiritually challenged in every area of our lives, we forgo the opportunity for us to go to the top of the mountain.

If we only look for those who bless us, give us all those encouraging and uplifting comments, messages and Bible verses, we will be spiritually “malnutrition”. If we are spiritually “malnutrition”, we lose any strength to finish our journey “on the water”. We won’t have any motivation to keep on keeping on.

When we shun all those people who are rebuking and reproving us and drawing our attention to those Bible verses which remind us of God’s nature towards sin, we become comfortable with our spiritual life. Then we start to think that our spiritual life is the end of spiritual maturity anybody can get to. We lose strength to stick it out because we have nothing to look forward to. We lose sight of God’s desire to take us to the top of the mountain.

But what is there on the top of the mountain? The infinite glory of God! ///