Men Lie!

Why do men lie?
“But hold on a second,” some people may say and ask, “Really? Men lie?”
“Crazy,” will be my answer because everybody should know that men lie to get a woman.

Even if they look confident and content with life from the outside, believe me in this that under his skin, you find a man who walks around with loads of “insecurities.”
I mean, think about it. I’ve heard one man saying, “Next to God, women are our next gods to us, men.”
Well, I don’t want to stretch it that much but his saying has some truths.
You see, it is God who said, “It is not good for a man to be alone.” And God didn’t say, “Let’s create for him a roommate or a co-worker or a CEO or a servant.”
I am glad He didn’t say that. Instead God said, “I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18)
Notice, “a helper suitable for him” – not “suitable for them” – plural, but “for him.” Big difference!
So, the man has to find “her,” – “the one!”
When he thinks he finds her, he is scared of his many insecurities, about his income, his look, background, families and many more and ask himself: “How can I provide to and support her financially? What if she gives birth to 12 kids? What if she thinks that I have a house and more money than I actually have? I have no saving account. My income doesn’t seem much. Her family may expect a big wedding. Her uncle seems to be the head of the family and he is a rock-headed man to convince. He knows that I didn’t finish my master’s degree because he used to be my classmate and I know he will talk about it. And here is the biggie! I don’t think I look better than the guy who is, I usually see, talking to her in the church? Yeah, I need to take the first move quickly before he does. But first, in what way can I distract her from him?”
“Lie to her!” Solution!
“Lie to her that you are planning to go to a medical school and specialize in neurology and open your own clinic and – – -“
“Phew! Not bad! Actually it sounds good!”
When the girl hears his dream with beautifully and artfully designed words from his mouth, she mistakenly sees his dream as a real phenomenon and she falls at his fingertips, saying, “Baby, take me. I am all yours!”
When do men stop lying? The day they marry the girl.
Then what?
Then the girl starts lying to them.
Saying what?
“I actually was in love with the other guy when you pursued me. I didn’t tell you that then because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
I know, it sounds a bit humorous but it has some truths and I am sure you find all those truths while you’re reading through.
But here is the message: a man with integrity doesn’t lie! Period!
Because the Bible says, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” (Ephesian 4:25) – “all members of one body” –
Yeah, he will be one with “the girl” soon and what goes around comes around. When he becomes one with her, he won’t get away with even one lie that he lied to her. One lie breeds in her hundreds and drives him crazy.
So, say ‘No” to lying today and whatever goes around comes around bringing you health and sanity.
And a woman who trusts God doesn’t believe in everything she “hears.” Yes, she knows that “seeing is not believing” according to the Bible when she believes the word of God (Hebrews 11:1) but in this case, she knows that seeing is the only way to believe because it is a mere man speaking to her, not God. So, she only believes in what she sees and touches. She doesn’t imagine anything that she cannot see and touch and she doesn’t lead her life by anybody’s dreams and visions but by the word of God. ///