If we understand “marriage vows” as death sentences which they are, whether you believe it or not, we would be better spouses to our husbands/wives.
The word of God says, “Husbands love your wives as Jesus loved the church.” And it doesn’t end there; it continues saying, “as Jesus died for her.” Ephesians 5:25 –
Note: It doesn’t say, “I think it will be nice if you die for her.”
Many men would have been happy if the Bible had said something like: “If your wife is nice, love her. If she is nasty, kick her out of your house.” My! Can you just imagine how many times, throughout my 22+ years of marriage, my hubby would have kicked me out of my house?
Hallelujah to Jesus! I am still married because of the word of God! Aren’t you thankful for the word of God? I am!
Husbands are called to LOVE their wives (not to “figure them out”). They are called to live and die for their wives as Jesus lived and died for the Church. When Jesus was on earth, He never lived for Himself. NEVER!
That is why I always advise “grooms” to wear “black tuxedo” for their wedding day. I don’t like a groom wearing white or any other color than black. His wedding day is his funeral day! Somebody has to tell him that. If he goes into a marriage with that realization, he won’t create any problem to his wife.
Okay, that is about husbands. About wives, the word of God says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as the church submits to Jesus”.
To know the extent to which this church submitted to Jesus Christ, read the Book of Revelation. In that book, you find that this church lived and died for Jesus Christ so He would be glorified, praised, proclaimed, honored, revered and respected.
Disrespecting Him? Dishonoring Him? Putting Him down? Despising Him? Are you serious?
She died for Him!
So, as you can see it clearly, death is the call of marriage. And, marriage vows are the announcements of these death sentences!
If we see our marriages and marriage vows like this, we shall live abundant lives. If we want to experience the resurrection power of Jesus, we have to be willing to die to ourselves first. After all, the call of a Christian is to deny self; to count everything as loss to gain the life that is in Christ Jesus.
Listen: “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24
This is what I think and believe this verse is saying: Die for yourself so you become the source of life to many! Die for one day so you live for a thousand years.
If we say “No” to this call, we continue to exist, going out and coming in, eating, drinking and sleeping, to wake up the next day to do all those things all over again. No trace of our footprints can be found for our kids to follow after. That kind of life is called “EXISTENCE”.
But, abundant life is the one that is set aside for us in Christ Jesus (John 10:10b), not just existence. Abundant life always comes immediately after resurrection but don’t ever forget this: There is no resurrection without dying! It is funny how some people talk about a resurrected life while they very much live for themselves.
So, how can we die in our marriages?
By striving to live out our marital calls regardless of our feelings, emotions and surroundings. Yeah, impossible to do but the grace of God that is found in the word of God will enable us to do.
What we need to ask ourselves is this: Does the word of God live in me? Because without Him living is us, the word of God living in us, there is no grace of God. Let’s not forget that! ///