I Released my 3rd Teaching CD!

Praise God!

Yesterday, I had a wonderful time at my home church, the International Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Washington, DC.

I released my third teaching CD, Volume #3, called “The Temple of the LORD,” (in Amharic).

The teaching is based on 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 – “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

This particular CD will soon be available on our website: www.appealforpurity.org

After I released my CD, I shared the message I always wanted to share with the congregation.

The title of my message was “Marriage! Why?”

Why is marriage that important?

Because marriage is the idea and agenda of God, not man and it has its own meaning and definition from the inception. That means no one can redefine the marriage between one man and one woman. This marriage is the replica of the Gospel according to the Bible. It is the yet to come marriage of Christ and the Church.

But why don’t we see marriage as the word of God sees it?

Many reasons such as,

  • Our ignorance of the word of God, not knowing the truth about marriage,
  • Our own unbelief
  • Because we are so brainwashed by the entertainment media that following what the word of God is saying about marriage feels nothing but foolishness, and
  • Thinking, or assuming or genuinely believe that the word of God is obsolete, out of date in the twenty second century.

The remedy to all these is only one; i.e. to go back to the word of God, to dig deep and strive to live according to the word of God.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) ///

P. S. For personal or marriage counseling services, you can text and make appointment to this number: 240-393-8249. The fee is $75/hour. All counseling sessions are done online via video calls from the comfort of your home or any place, via Facebook Messenger video calls or Viber video calls or other similar means.