I hope this message finds you all in good health.
Well, I just want to let you know that from today until August 11, I won’t be on Facebook or Twitter and I won’t be posting new YouTube show either because I will be on VACATION!
Hooray! At last!
We will be traveling for few days in between those days and it is my promise to my better half and my lovely kids that any social media won’t travel with me. And I also promised them that I won’t write anything for any reason. I hope you agree. But my books will travel with me. That is like a must unless of course they want me to drive them crazy with my mood swing, lol. Believe me; my hubby loves all of my books. He even carries some of them for me.
I won’t go without saying “Thank you” for all of you who supported and encouraged me all along! God bless you guys!
My motto in this ministry is this: “He left the 99 to look for 1.” That is what I’ve always been striving to do whenever I write and teach so that that one person may turn around and come back to the Shepherd of his/her soul. May all the glory and praise be to Him who has done great things through this ministry by calling many back to Him!
Please pray for me and my family for our safe return and of course pray for Appeal for Purity ministry as well so that only God’s will be done!
If God wills and if I find a good, “presentable” family picture, I sure will share it with you when I come back but this is not a promise because it is very hard to find the Banko’s to pose for a picture. One may act like a lizard while the other pose like a dead man and spoil the picture but I will try my best to “domestic” each one of them so that I will have at least one picture to share with you all.
I love you all my Facebook fans! May the peace and grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all! Remember, JESUS COMES BACK SOON!
In Him, Missy.