You have no idea how happy I am to post something with the word “Happy.”
Praise God!
Yes, Happy Easter to all of you!
The tomb is empty!
Believers, skeptics, atheists and everybody checked the tomb and found that the tomb was indeed empty!
Jesus Christ is risen!
My favorite verse of resurrection is what the two angels said to the fearful women who went to the tomb early in the morning. Here it is as Luke recorded it for us:
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” Luke 24:5b, 6a
Jesus Christ is risen!
Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live.” John 14:19b
Praise God!
Because He is risen, never to die again, we too live with Him forever! As death could not hold Him down, it cannot hold us down in the grave. We shall see Jesus Christ face to face and live with Him forever!
Oh, hallelujah!
Happy Easter everybody! ///