I don’t think I have?, at least recently?.
Well! I do love my man! I am seriously in love with this man!
I am a “one-man woman” and my Love is a “one-woman man.” Do you know where this phrase “one-wo/man” came from? Your weekend homework!
I hope you like my family picture. You may see five people in the picture but I only see one person: my husband!
Four of us, my kids and I, are covered by him, him giving himself up for us. This is the call of a husband/father.
I love each one of these people. We took this picture last month in a freezing cold weather and my husband was worried that I would turn into snow. So, he brought all of our “cubs” who don’t know how to be cold and said, “Cover my wife so she feels warm!” ?seriously, this brings tears to my eyes and smile to my face? at the same time. You have no idea how funny these people are!
Yes, these are the Bankos!
Abel Banko, Lydia Banko, Biruk Banko, Berhan Banko and poor me, Missy Banko.
May Jesus Christ be glorified and magnified in and through this family forever and ever! Yes, what you are looking at is just one family but, this one family will soon start to branch off into multiple families and my husband and I are already started to pray for those branches so the truth of God in the marriage of one man and one woman will be clearly portrayed, proclaimed and declared in holiness and purity in those branches for the glory of “for the yet to come” marriage between Jesus Christ and His Bride, the church, the only marriage that is going to be found in heaven and last forever and ever!
Amen! Hallelujah! ///