Happy Thanksgiving

With all the facts that are coming out about how many military men of the Northern Ethiopian National Defense Force were killed by TPLF (they were killed while they were sleeping) and how they beheaded 600+ civilians from the Amhara tribe, in Mai Kadra, it is hard to celebrate anything, am I right?

While reading the Ethiopian Human Rights detail report about what happened in Mai Kadra, I tried to pray but I couldn’t.
But immediately my heart began rejoicing because I thought of the God I worship! Oh, the God who sees everything and I said to my soul: My soul, why do you downcast within me? Think of God and His word!
You see, faith sees the unseen God. So, we comfort our hearts seeing this unseen God. He is in control. He is sovereign! Nothing is out of His sight! Nothing is out of His control.
He said, “Vengeance is Mine” Romans 12:19 – so we should not let our enemy, the devil, get the upper hand as we think of any vengeance. We are called to love, not to hate. We are called to bless, not curse. We are called to leave everything to God and rejoice in Him.
God knows what to do. He sees our tears and pains. HE KNOWS!
May His name be praised forever!
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy this holiday.
We can only drive the devil crazy by rejoicing in the LORD. The joy of the LORD is our strength. So let’s not lose our strength! Let’s wipe our tears and rejoice in the LORD! ///