Danger of Desperation!

Have you ever been hungry to the point of getting ready to eat “ANYTHING,” literally anything? Yeah, anything including the McDonald’s leftover burger that has been left in the fridge for days. If you snack every five minutes, forget it; you won’t understand this. If you don’t snack during the day, then you understand what I’m talking about here.

We may be one of those “picky-eaters” on good days but when we get to that serious hunger state, we even forget that we ever refused to eat anything, including broccoli. Well, eating is okay and sometimes it is kind of fun stuffing ourselves with everything on our way (but it is only fun as long as we do it rarely; like on Thanksgiving or Christmas Days).

However when we find ourselves in a similar situation but not being hungry for food but being hungry for affection from the opposite sex, we sure are in a dangerous state. Yeah, they call this state “desperation”. The simple meaning of desperation is BEING IN A STATE OF DANGER BECAUSE OF DESPAIR (or urgent need). We are literally becoming dangerous to ourselves AND OTHERS when we are desperate to get something or someone.

When we desperately desire to get something which we believe is going to complete us or make our life better, we do the UNTHINKABLE to get it.

For example, when we find ourselves in a desperate state to find a mate, we pick anybody on our way to marry, whether we meet that person on Facebook or on Twitter. The person might be a kind of person who may not even love our LORD Jesus Christ and we may know that fact very well but we are desperate. We ignore that fact. We can’t bring Bible verses here. No, we can’t; we are desperate. We think that this “well” will quench our hunger and thirst.

Moreover, desperation is a state of mind Satan wants us to be, EVERYDAY! He says to us: “Quick! Now! Immediately! Hurry! Fast! Don’t delay! Don’t wait! Time is running! You are getting old!” These are the messages run through our mind until we get what we are desperately seeking to get so that he will mark us out of the WAY!

Then the same devil comes to us and says, “You are useless! Come out of this! There is no hope for your marriage. Come out of this now! Immediately! Quick!” He makes us desperate to see life after divorce and he continues to make us even more desperate to marry again. And there it goes, without any rest!

But the Bible says there is only one “Well” that quenches our hunger and thirst (Luke 10:42). And His name is Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we only need to be desperate to find Him, our LORD and Savior. We need to desperately seek Him with all our might, heart and mind. And Jesus will meet all our needs before we find ourselves in desperation (Matthew 6:33).

So, we need to watch out whenever we feel like we have to find someone or something other than Jesus to live in this life. If we are single, we have to remember that we DON’T have to have a boy/girlfriend to be alive and well. We DON’T need any mate and we DON’T need to be married to be happy in this life.

The only safe desperation state we have to be is being desperate to know Christ! There is no side effect to this kind of desperation! Let’s be desperate to find Him because HE KILLS our desperation for other things which will otherwise ultimately lead us to death. The moment we channel our desperation to only seeking Jesus, we find out that Christ Himself calls those things we need in this life to be ours!

“The lions may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.” Psalms 34:10

One last point: A woman who is desperate to marry loses her real beauty because desperation takes away her genuineness and authenticity which are the two crucial virtues real godly men EASILY get attracted to. And don’t miss this: These two are the virtues FAKE and LIAR CHRISTIAN MEN run away from!

So, if you are a single woman, don’t be desperate to marry but be desperate to know Jesus. Once you become full of Him, your real, hard to resist beauty will take over you and your face; and BOAZ, the famous bachelor in town can’t cross your path without kneeling down and asking your hands for marriage. ///

P.S. This article was originally posted on December 16, 2013 but today I made some changes; and it lost it originality.