It’s not like going from Ethiopia to America

This is a short clip from my last Sunday sermon message at Lancaster. This message is very dear and close to my heart. And to tell you the truth, this message is all about Appeal for Purity Ministry.
Please listen to it carefully. Don’t hang up on “This is very short message” or, “Please release the whole message” kind of thing. This is enough message to chew on for today and to tell you the truth, I’m purposely uploading short messages. Why?

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Busy! Busy! Busy!

Watch out if you are busy because if Satan can’t convince you to sin, he will make you busy so that you won’t have time to pray and read the Bible. And once he gets you busy, he will say, “Gotcha real good now!” ///

“May the Lord forgive you for saying that”

A4P Guest: I’m 25 years old. I came to Christ when I was 13. Since then, I have been in the house of God. I’ve never had a relationship with a woman. And knowing that it is a right season for me to look for a wife, I began praying about it. And amazingly enough, while I was in the middle of a two week program just to pray and fast before God for a wife, I began thinking about this one particular girl I know in my church. That weekend, I went to church and a man of God who is a prophet called me and prophesied saying, “The woman you are thinking about is your wife.” So, I accepted that and prayed about it and went to the woman and told her. She said she would pray about it and yesterday she called me and said that she didn’t think I am the one she wants to marry. I told her that she shouldn’t sin against God by refusing to listen to what the man of God said. I don’t know why she said that, maybe because she is not that strong in the Lord. How can I convince her and help her to grow spiritually?

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My Mind is Made up!

Have you ever heard this saying, “My mind is made up. Don’t confuse me with the facts?”
I always laugh whenever I find myself acting in the way for someone to say this saying back to me. Sometimes we resist change. Well, it is, I think, one of our human tendencies to stay away from anything that is going to change the kind of life we know for a long period of time. This tendency gets bad as we get older. Forget about learning how to use effectively the ever changing technology, we don’t want to learn how to effectively fry eggs. We just want to stay with that rugged, old, time consuming and outdated way of breaking the eggs and frying them on fire.

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“- – – their decision to make me a pastor”

A4P Guest: I’m a second year university student. I grew up in a Christian home and I don’t remember when and how I came to believe in Christ. I guess when I opened my eyes, I found a life that was in Christ and I followed it. So, I believe in Jesus and I love Jesus. I’m always involved in my church ministry. I began singing in the children’s choir as a seven year old boy and now, I’m going to be ordained as a pastor for the whole children and youth ministry of our church. But the problem is I have this secret life that nobody knows about. I’m in a serious porn addiction. Porn has been consuming and taking over my life since I was 16. I have no other problem in my life but this one thing that has claimed my whole life. I am constantly thinking about it, being too obsessed with it the whole day and night. I cried and cried before God many times. I fasted many times and at one time I fasted for a month with water and dry bread. I was free from it for another month but I went right back to it. In the contrary, you have no idea how many people come to me and tell me how God blessed them through my teachings and songs (I sometimes sing and lead worship too). When I stand behind the pulpit, I come alive and preach the Word with boldness and conviction. But that conviction is short lived. Now, the minsters of my church called me the other day and told me that they decided to ordain me as a pastor because they trusted me. May I accept their decision to make me a pastor? What should I do?

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