For those who cannot understand English, I promise I will tell you this week what this video is all about. Continue reading Q&A in Amharic
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
What a Fantastic Marriage Program!
Last Call!
This is my last reminder for all married couples in the DMV area (DC, Maryland and Virginia area) to register for our upcoming annual married couples program.
Think that God Compromises
The Bible is very clear when it comes to giving us detail instructions as to how a person can do dating, courting and marriage according to the will of God. Continue reading Think that God Compromises
Excited to be Home!
I May Kidnap Him
A man may attract any woman with his charm and dashing attitudes.
But a man with a praiseworthy character can successfully attract and make a God knowing and fearing woman his forever.
Huh? How?
A God fearing woman wants to know whether the man who is pursuing her for a long term relationship is a real man or not. Continue reading I May Kidnap Him
Happy President’s Day?
A Big Warm & Welcome Embrace
“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.””
~ Psalm 122:1 NLT
The house of God is the only house we always receive a big warm and welcome embrace from our heavenly Father in Christ.
The secret is found not in the embrace, not in the warm welcome nor in the fact that we are going to the house of God, but in this: Continue reading A Big Warm & Welcome Embrace
Very Excited!
❤️?? Hooray!
I am still in my bed?!
Excited to go downstairs ?❤️??? and find all my balloons and dark chocolates!
You know what I’m thinking now: what if my hubby forgets?
?, if he does, you will hear soon what happens next ?☹️? no he won’t forget!
Well, in the meantime, let me say Happy Valentine’s Day!
For those who don’t like this Valentines thingy, happy Thursday!
For those who have questions for me why I celebrate this day, please click the following link and read:
Have a blessed day!
Yes, whatever you do, do it with charity! ///