Category Archives: Marriage

If God Is Not In It

I was in New York last weekend and I had a wonderful time there. I didn’t get a chance to talk about it because of the Appeal for Purity’s 4th year Anniversary. By the way, thank you so much everybody for your anniversary greetings! Appreciate each and every one of you!
Yes, I was in New York last weekend at the Emmanuel Worship Center (EWC) and I had a wonderful time with the people of God there.

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Where Can I Go From Your Spirit?

A4P Guest: “Hi Missy, I am 24 years old. My husband and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary last month. We both are Christians and we love each other. We came to the marriage not having any sexual relationship with anyone. We both grew up in church. I always enjoy being intimate with my husband but when it comes to actually doing “it”, for some reason, I lose interest. This was the case with me for the first seven or eight months of our marriage.

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