Unique & Beautiful!


There is no one set of fingerprint that is ugly. Every fingerprint is unique and it has no copy. 

Isn’t that fascinating? It is for me. 

Think about it. Since the day of Adam and Eve, how many people roamed throughout this earth? Countless! And all of us have unique fingerprints because we all are different; even identical twins have different fingerprints, do you know that? 

Just like fingerprints, no two marriages are identical. Every marriage is unique, different and, get this, BEAUTIFUL! 

Our job as married people is to find the God-given unique beauty of our individual marriages and work hard on our unique Eden. 

When we don’t find the beauty of our marriages, we tend to go around and compare our marriages with everybody else and feel depressed and miserable.  

Nature itself tells us about God. We don’t need to go too far to know that God has no Xerox machine because He doesn’t need one. Beauty in difference and variety and absence of monotony is the theme of God’s creation. Our job is to find and enjoy what God has given us. 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1) ///

Decorate Your Marriage

Forgiveness is something a Christian should always do because another name of a Christian is “FORGIVEN!”

We cannot talk about marriage without forgiveness takes the lead. 

I mean, think about it. When two broken, imperfect and messed up people live under the same roof, they create lots of mess in that house. And if this couple doesn’t let forgiveness mark their marriage, destruction of that marriage will be in order. 

We all have problem, don’t we? What kind of problem? A problem of sin! So, as much as we need others’ to forgive us, we always need to be ready to forgive others especially those who live with us. 

So, if you are married, decorate your marriage with genuine and sincere forgiveness. Then you’ll ask yourself why you always find yourself falling in love with, not with the other person, but with your spouse. 

It feels really good! ///