Monthly Archives: August 2018
Can A Man Scoop Fire and Not Get Burned?

Live in the “NOW”
I love going out with my kids. Well, I don’t go out with all of them that much these days because a new chapter of life has already ushered itself into our family. So, no more putting my kids in the back seat and driving around. Oh, how I missed those days! Continue reading Live in the “NOW”
O, O, God Forgive us!
What can I say except to say “Forgive us!”
No, I don’t judge nor condemn anyone but I pray for God to forgive us all!
O, God, forgive our unbelief in the name of Jesus Amen! ///
Huh? Most Men Are Colorblind?
Is This Person the Right One?
This is one of the questions married people should not ask.
“God, is this the right person for me to marry?”
I mean, this is a very legitimate question for unmarried couples to ask before they tie the knot, but married people, nah! Continue reading Is This Person the Right One?
“I Love You, Baby”
We’ll Be Left with SANTA
If we see the Old Testament and the New Testament as two completely different or two contrary or opposing testaments, we are missing the fundamental truth about the nature of God.
If we miss the Christ in the Old Testament, we definitely miss the Christ in the New Testament. If we don’t see Christ’s Shadow in the Old Testament, we miss His Body in the New Testament. Continue reading We’ll Be Left with SANTA
Losing Loved Ones
I “Unliked” Your Page
A4P Guest: I first came across your page a couple months ago and I pressed “Like” before I read anything. I read some of your articles and I hated each one of them. So, I “unliked” the page after I read one of your articles about porn and sexual purity. I was very upset. I took that article personally. It felt like you were watching my life and writing to address that. So I was very mad at you and at all your writings. The funny thing was this: I struggled with myself never to check your page but I got this pull to check it literally every day. Continue reading I “Unliked” Your Page