When the Israelites sinned against God, many of them died getting bitten by venomous snakes. Then they came to Moses so he could pray for them. Moses prayed and “The Lord said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.” (Numbers 21:8-9) Continue reading Looked at the Bronze Snake→
Don’t you sometimes, secretly, wish if the Book of Ephesians chapter 5 goes up to verse 34 and says something like:
“Husbands, when your wives come to you with a problem, don’t try to SOLVE your wives’ problem unless they specifically ask you to solve it. Just LISTEN to their heart.” (I know the Bible is complete; I’m just saying)
You see, most men are naturally wired to solve a problem. When their wives come to them with a problem, they jump to solve it disregarding their wives’ heart, what their wives are really saying. Continue reading Before You Touch Her Body→
One thing that captures my attention whenever I see or think of weeds is this: They grow without anybody planting them. The soil just gives off weeds if nobody cares for the field.
When weeds grow, they don’t need anyone to take care of them. And when they are left to themselves, they flourish more than any plant you can think of. And they take over anything that has life in it.
When a couple fights or “discusses” an issue, there are so many things that they are to pay attention to so their discussion will build their marriage, not destroy it.
Of course I am not planning to list all the things that, I believe, will help them but I will try to give to both the wife and the husband the one thing they should avoid during a discussion.