Wonderful Opportunity!


Well, God said, “It is time to travel across the world!” And, my response is: “Here I’m LORD, use me for your glory.”

Praise God! So, I’m traveling to Australia in July to minister at the Zion Church and the Solid Rock Youth Church.

The services in the Zion Church are mainly in Amharic. The Solid Rock Youth Church used to be part of the Zion Church but now it is an independent church, the services are in English and the people of that church are children of the Zion Church congregation. Yeah, I love it!

God willing, I’ll be spending most of my time at the Solid Rock Youth Church. The model of this church is the kind of church I’m praying for God to raise in every State here in the US and in all the European countries because, in my own humble spiritual understanding, this is the kind of church that can reach out and minister to the next generation; this is the kind of church that can communicate the Gospel to our children clearly in ways they can understand so that our children won’t be fans of Jesus but followers and ambassadors of Jesus. Oh, I’m very excited, not only to be able to visit them and see how they’re doing, but also to share with them the message God has been pressing on my heart. May the LORD go before me!

So, as usual, if you live close to these churches, I invite you to come out and worship God with us; if you don’t live near there but know someone who does, invite them on my behalf.

For more information about the program, you can call the number you see on the flyer.

I sure covet your prayers.

May the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you all! ///