Wonderful Group of People I met yesterday night!

Me and the Group of AXIS

Yesterday night, there was a nice program hosted by our kids’ school where a group of young men and women came over to teach students about important life issues. Then in the evening there was a presentation only for parents and the title of their presentation was: “Sex, College, Technology, and Jesus”.

Talk about a title that is very interesting for me, this is it!

So, I set my alarm and my phone was beeping an hour before the program and I didn’t have a chance to miss it.

Well, as you can see on the picture, the presenters are very young people and they impressed me very much throughout the presentation. They opened their speech with this statement which captured my heart, mind and soul:

“The issue is not an unanswered questions; but unquestioned answers.”


The 21 First Century heroin is: Porn! – No question about that!

And they gave us research findings and let me share with you few of those findings:

NBA makes $4.6 billion and NFL makes $9.5 billion each year (combined, they make closer to $14 billion.)

Porn industry makes $13.3 each year (almost the same as the NBA and NFL income combined).

Where our money goes shows what we value and care the most!

Let me continue:

According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 88% of non-Evangelical girls and 80% of Evangelical girls have sex before marriage (margin of difference only 8%)

Reason? Mainly the media and entertainment industries have hijacked our imaginations and we are taking the moral values they are throwing at us “as an answer to our life” without questioning them.

The average age of first porn exposure is FIVE YEARS OLD!

Check them out! AXIS.org. Their message and mission are very timely and relevant. They messages are tailored in a way to capture, motivate and challenge today’s young people. Invite them over to your church, schools and spiritual gatherings. ///