We Think that We’re Superior

Every word, phrase and verse of Psalm 23 is pregnant with eternal truth about the relationship between Christ and His people.
How do I know?

This book, “A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23,” by Phillip W. Keller opened my eyes.
I didn’t want to finish reading this book but on my way to Oslo, Norway, in the airplane, I devoured it to the last “drop!”
This book was published in 1970 and the author has been with Christ since 1997 but the truth you find in this small book is timeless and eternal. It will revolutionize your faith in God. And here is one thing unique about this book: The author used to be a shepherd of sheep. Yeah, he has firsthand experience with the whole process of shepherding sheep. So, Keller shows us Christ as our Shepherd.
Wow! I have never seen Christ as a real Shepherd but now I have. I now also, without any doubt, know that Jesus actually is not a Shepherd of cows, or tigers or lions or elephants or horses (all of these animals are smart and bright) but sheep; the most stupid, ignorant and stubborn animals ever!
Keller summed it up this way: “It is no accident that God has chosen to call us sheep. The behavior of sheep and human beings is similar in many ways as will be seen in further chapters. Our mass mind (or mob instincts), our fears and timidity, our stubbornness and stupidity, our perverse habits are all parallels of profound importance.” (p. 21)
Do these statements hurt your pride? Mine got damaged beyond repair!
I think our number one problem as human beings is that we think we are superior, smart, bright, wise and all round knowledgeable.
But the truth of the matter is, we’re not. We are sheep. No better name can best describe us than sheep.
I don’t know about you but for me, this truth is a downer; but the news doesn’t end there. We, the sheep, have a Shepherd, His name is Jesus Christ who watches over us day and night.
What or who do we need more than Jesus Christ? Nothing and nobody!
I am fine with my strikingly similar behaviors, tendencies and habits with sheep as long as my Shepherd remains to be Jesus Christ because without Him, I would be history! ///