We choose our lifestyle

Sexual purity or sexual immorality won’t fall on people. People make it happen in their lives.

But there is a slight difference how those opposite lifestyles can happen in our lives.

You see, sexual immorality is like our second nature. Sexual immorality will engulf us (naturally) and become our lifestyle when we stray from God’s Word and Spirit. But even if sexual immorality is like our second nature, we still have to be engaged in it, willingly, and choose, accept and embrace it for it to mark our lives. That means it requires some cooperation and contribution from us.

So, don’t ever think that sexual purity or immorality is something which falls on people. It is like a house. Have you ever seen a house coming down directly from heaven? Yeah, the metaphor is then this: Building a house is like sexual purity and demolishing a house is like sexual immorality. You can tell which one takes more times and efforts but notice both require time and effort.

Well, that being said, knowing that sexual purity is good for our life, especially for our MENTAL HEALTH, let’s make it our life’s number one goal and work towards it until we take our last breathe.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1 ///