Talk to Your Kids about Porn

Please, talk to your kids about porn, not once, not twice, but as often as the TV and all the entertainment media are faithfully presenting their version of what porn is.

Porn is a killer.

However, when you talk to your kids, don’t preach to them. They probably know what the word of God says about sexual purity more than you. Instead bring it to the table for a discussion, to hear what they have to say and let them hear your take too. Tell them your own struggles when you were a teenager. This will take the message home, instead of quoting a verse and preaching to them for one hour. Share with them how God redeemed you from it and how God is helping now, today, and what is helping you to keep yourself sexually pure.

Vulnerability and transparency are key!

Share with them your current struggles too, tell them how you always find yourself attracted to sexually explicit movies but with the grace and mercy of God, you are able to keep your sanity.

But remember, you first have to be free from the clutches of porn and all filthy movies and dramas before you become your kids’ teacher and mentor because the Bible says, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16) – If you don’t watch your life first, you are wasting your time trying to save your kids. ///