Staying Married!

Praise the LORD!
I am home today! It is always good to be back to Maryland. 

I had a wonderful time in Oslo, Norway at the Shalom Eritrean Pentecostal Church (SEPC). I met in person many of the Appeal for Purity’s Facebook and YouTube followers. 
Thank you, Pastor Abel Mebrahtu, the senior pastor of the SEPC, for inviting me over. Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share with the people of God what God has laid on my heart. I sure had a blessed time.
I also would like to say thank you to Lilly, Pastor Abel’s wife, for her support and encouragement throughout the program.  Thank you Lillyie! May God bless you!
I also would like to say thank you to the leaders and elders of SEPC. Thank you my brothers for laying your hands on me at the end of the program and prayed and blessed me. May God bless you all!
Last but not least, I would like to say thank you to all the members of SEPC, especially the young generation, for coming out in this cold weather to worship God with me for four days. It means a lot to me to see you all absorbing the word of God like a sponge. May God’s will be fulfilled in your life! And I also want to thank all the Appeal for Purity fans who came to the program from other local churches (Pentecostal as well as Orthodox churches) and people who traveled from other nearby countries such as Denmark. Thank you so much guys! I was encouraged and comforted to see you all!  
Well, here is the clip of my Sunday evening message. Sorry for the video picture quality but I think the audio is good.
For those of you who don’t understand Amharic, this is what I am saying:
We can glorify Jesus mainly by our good deeds, one of which is, for those of us who are married is, by staying married. Attending church services is a good thing but only through our good deeds can show to the watching world that Jesus lives in us.
Have a blessed Tuesday! ///