Praise God for this wonderful opportunity!

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This is my second round trip to Toronto, Canada and you have no idea how excited I am and I will tell you why.

Well, I am not going to start from the beginning. I will continue from where I left off. That means, I can share with the people of God the things I didn’t get a chance to share with them the last time I was there.

May the Name of Jesus Christ be praised forever! May all my hard work bring Him fame and glory! Through this ministry, may the whole world come to know my kind and compassionate God Jesus Christ who died for the sin of the whole world! Can you even comprehend that? I can’t!

He died on the Cross for the sin of the whole world. And the other day, one individual argued with me because I said, “Jesus died for my past, present and future sin.” He thought that statement itself would give me a license to go ahead and sin more.

Are you kidding me? That statement actually makes me love Jesus more. Do you know what that means? When I am deeply in love with Him, I run away from the things He hates, knowing that He hates things such as a sexually immoral lifestyle because He knows that those lifestyles hurt His daughter, ME! Isn’t He an amazing God?

Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you have Him in your heart?

If not, call on His name. He is near, nearer to you than your soul. Just call on His Name with a genuine and sincere heart to know Him.

That is exactly what I did 20+ years ago. In the middle of the night, I said, “Lord Jesus, come into my heart” and He did. He is a gentle God. He doesn’t break open the door of your heart. Rather, He stands and knocks.

Listen to what the Bible says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20

Believe me in this: Jesus is alive! He is alive! Call His name! He answers you! May His name be glorified forever! Amen! ///