Realistic Expectation

Expecting different outcome while doing the same thing in the same way is like expecting our cars one day to fly us on the sky. It ain’t happen!

Sexual sin won’t leave us alone until we change our “routines” which got us in trouble in the first place. If we are still taking that corner and dark place in the library, not to study but in fact to do our own secret stuff, we won’t be free from our sin. Actually we tighten up the grip of sin on our life. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)

Be radical and change your routines so that you will forsake your sin. Then you will find out that after all victory was at your doorstep, and you will also stop blaming God for not answering your prayers.

Oh, Precious, God does hear your prayers and He answers them. But always remember this: God won’t do your part; only His.

Giving Virginity to a Man doesn’t Make him a Husband

When a girl gives her virginity to a man she is not married to, she most likely thinks that she will be that man’s idol; his only dream and priority.

But a man’s mental, sexual and emotional world doesn’t function that way.

A girl becomes his dream-girl only when she makes him wait for sex. He desires and dreams to make her his only when she protects him from sinning against God by protecting herself.

Some girls say to me, in owe, “Can you believe that he is a believer; and he serves in the church. How can a man like him do such a thing?”

That is a fallacy most women want to embrace, a fallacy that says “Christian Men have different sexual urges from non-Christian men.” Married women blame their husbands for desiring sex everyday, saying that if their husbands were really Christians, they wouldn’t have asked for sex that often.

Oh, may the LORD give those husbands grace to go through this.

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Know this: After everything is said and done, a man who is created in the image of God desires sex in the same way whether he believes in God or not.

A man who leads a sexually pure life desires to live a one woman-man kind of life (Sarah and Abimelech); when he leads a sexually immoral lifestyle, he dives in it with his both feet  (Delilah to Samson; or Potiphar’s wife to Joseph).

Precious, if you are a single girl, please listen to me. If a man takes a girl’s virginity, he only thinks himself, not her. His sexual world doesn’t work like yours. His sexual department doesn’t have sympathy when it is allowed to be wild, whether he is baptized in the Holy Spirit or not.

If he loves you, he cares for you to the point of saving you till marriage. He won’t touch you if he wants to make you his wife.

He proposed to you doesn’t mean that he’ll marry you!

“But he cried when I told him we can’t do sex before marriage.”

Really? Let him cry for the rest of his life. He is just a good actor. Most men can fake tears (well, women too, as a matter of fact). Don’t let his tears preach to you. Tell him to hit the road if sex is the one thing that guarantees his existence. You won’t lose a thing by saying “Good bye” to him except heartaches, pain and suffering.

If you already lost your virginity, leave him alone. He can’t pay you back by marrying you. Settle on this: Nothing can bring your virginity back. Move on with your life. If he comes back, most probably he comes back to continue from where he left off. So it is too risky to desire him back.

Pick up the pieces of your life and start all over again as if you were a virgin. Lead a sexually pure life and you shall test the power of God’s mercy and grace in your life. A man desires to have you, above all virgin girls in the city, because you first attracted God to your life by your sexually pure life.

Read the Book of Ruth. She was married to a man. Well, you don’t want me to tell you that she was not a virgin, do you? Well, I don’t think so. She was sleeping with her husband but her husband died.

But, Beloved, Ruth stole the heart of a famous, rich Bachelor who was a dream man of every virgin girl in a city.

Yes, there is what is called “Secondary virginity” which comes to you with a repentant lifestyle.

And one last note: Just because the man who dis-virgin you comes back to your life doesn’t mean that you are sexually pure. You will be sexually pure only when you lead a life that is sexually pure, with him or without him. ///

Rare Jewel

Some men say, “I’m single because I want to. I’ll marry whenever I want to. Women are everywhere.”

Hmm, women may be everywhere but a wife who will be a man’s “suitable helper” is not everywhere. She is a RARE JEWEL!!! And only the humble finds

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her on his way.

Singleness and Life Expectancy

“A single man’s life expectancy is equal to the man who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day.”

Hmm, I don’t remember exactly where I read this research result and every time I think about it, it gives me goosebumps.

“Every cigarette reduces a life of a person by 11 minutes,” says US National Library of Medicine.

This too gives me a chill because I know many people who are still smoking cigarettes.

Well, putting the above two study findings together, we find something like “every year or month, there is a certain amount of health a man loses if he stays single”.


Most science findings prove that God is Right and God’s ways are the only ways which guarantee human beings enduring and lasting health, peace and joy.

So, again, science in a way is saying that getting married for a man is not a luxury but a necessity for a healthy living.

Simply put, if a man wants to live a healthy life, he has to get married. It is life threatening for a man to stay single.

I did not say that! Many studies did!

And can you just imagine how happy the devil will be whenever he sees the man, (“the Adam”) he hates passionately, dying without the devil doing anything to him? Yes, he is happy. He actually wants to see all “the Adams” to choose to stay single because that is where he finds them all in the right place to make them useful for NOTHING!

If you are a single man reading this, be a celibate if that is the call you received from the LORD. If that is not the case, get married as soon as you can.

But remember, marriage can also kill you faster than singleness unless you do marriage wisely, to fulfill the call of God. Pursue a woman for your own goodness; not so she will take care of you but so you will take care of her and die for her. Yes, that is your call! And following your call can only give you purpose in life and health, joy and a long life.

Otherwise you will be on your way which seems right to you but leads to death.

There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 16:25 NASB

It is a choice to be foolish or wise. Choose to be wise.

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But a wise man is he who listens to counsel.” Proverbs 12:15 NASB ///

P. S. Amazingly enough, what the research results prove to be true about a single man can’t be applied to a single woman because a single woman in one way or the other receives societal support even when she is single. Her life quality may not be as good as a married woman but her life expectancy may not be affected as much. These also prove the fact that a man needs a “helper,” and a woman only finds meaning in her life when she marries and becomes a crown of her husband (Proverbs 12:4).

Yes, Love needs time

It is good to know the love language of our spouses. Otherwise we speak in English, they hear us in Germany. This not only creates misunderstanding but it also creates chaos in the home. However knowing our spouses’ love language is not good enough.

Once we know they have a different love language than ours, we need to learn to speak it. How can we speak their language if their language is foreign to us? We have to spend time with them so that we learn and practice how to say all “the phonetics”. Continue reading Yes, Love needs time

Love Needs Time

As a plant needs sunlight, water and minerals (soil) for it to grow, love needs time to grow. The outside attraction won’t last long. For love to be rooted deep in the heart, it requires time which is , purposely and consciously, set apart for it to grow.

If you love your future-husband …

Do you want to express true love to the man you’re thinking to marry?

Well, here is one major way to express your love to him:

A. Love him as you protect him from lusting after you by using a code of conduct called decency and modesty. How? Five ways:

1. When you guys go out for a cup of coffee or tea, make sure you dress appropriately (covering much of your body). If this man is the man you want to marry, then you don’t want him to trip in a sexual sin, do you? I think you don’t because if he is involved in premarital sexual sin, being a head of your future household, he will mess up the foundation of your marriage. Then after you get married, you wonder why you can’t find happiness in your marriage.

Continue reading If you love your future-husband …

Sexually Attractive Wife – Part 3

Some of the Characteristics of a Sexually Attractive Wife (Contd.) – Part III

13. Flirt with him.
You desiring your husband sexually is something your husband wishes to see happening before he departs from this life. For example: If you let your husband read this, I bet you he will say; “Can you read that again, not for me but for you so that you get it!” Most husbands die before their wives decide to desire them sexually. Continue reading Sexually Attractive Wife – Part 3

Purity for the brave hearted!