The most annoying things a wife does to her husband

Making every little disagreement or conflict a reason to avoid sex.

That is just crazy! Sister, pouting just before bedtime is not romantic at all. Do you know what he is saying when he looks at your “long face”? Well, you know it but let me tell you. He says to himself, “Here we go again!” Brush it all of and learn to let go and to wisely pick your fights.

Asking him to remember what outfit she was wearing last weekend. Continue reading The most annoying things a wife does to her husband

The most annoying things a husband does to his wife and the solutions

Talking on the phone with the person his wife is not getting along with; not only talking but laughing and enjoying the conversation while his wife sits next to him.

Irritating! Bro, why do you even answer the phone? Call them later when you are outside the house.

Telling his wife “to chill” while the house is a mess. Continue reading The most annoying things a husband does to his wife and the solutions

Beyond the Fairytale

It would be an understatement if I say, “I’m excited”.

Didn’t I tell you all last time that the title, “Beautiful Cinderella” of my book didn’t pass the scrutiny of the editors? Well, here comes the new title they came up with, the one I literally, instantly fall in love with, the one I gave two thumbs up to:

“ Beyond the Fairytale,

with a subtitle:

“An Appeal for Sexual Purity.” Continue reading Beyond the Fairytale

Marriage and Dating are Different for Men

Marriage is very different from dating. Dating has some sort of excitement to it almost every day. It is sweet and makes life bearable. Especially for a girl who stole a man’s heart, it is a blast. She may sometimes feel that she is flying on the air. She easily embraces herself as the most beautiful and attractive person ever created on this planet earth.

When she ignores him, he texts her five hundred “I love you” and “I’m so sorry” messages and she continues ignoring him, just to receive more romantic messages. Continue reading Marriage and Dating are Different for Men

A Prayer of A Wife to Her Husband

Thank You, LORD, for giving me another day to come to You in prayer. May Your Name be blessed forever!

I have received many good and perfect gifts from You, LORD.

Above all the gifts, LORD Jesus, You gave me Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me on the Cross so I might live for You. Jesus, You became sin for me so I might be God’s righteousness. Thank You, Lord Jesus! Continue reading A Prayer of A Wife to Her Husband

What is on your table?

It was around September of 2009. I was reading one of the daily devotional Bible study materials I used to receive via email. And I ran into an interesting article and I read it and at the end, it read, “if you want to sign up for a 40 weeks long daily Bible study note, give us your email”.

I signed up. “I mean, what do I lose? If I don’t like it, I will “unsubscribe”. That is all.” I thought to myself. Continue reading What is on your table?

Purity for the brave hearted!